Therapeutic Services

  • Individual therapy for adults, teenagers, parents or parents-to-be

    Therapy is your space without any clear limits to the number of sessions. Therapy can help you move from feeling overwhelmed, lost or stuck to more hopeful, clear minded and ‘like yourself’.

    I am interested in working with a diverse range of teenagers and adults including:

    • Those with high levels of self-criticism, high perfectionism or low self-esteem

    • Those with depression and low motivation. I am also interested in work-related burnout, parenting related burnout and carer burnout.

    • Adults who are interested in ‘re-parenting’ themselves or processing difficult early attachment relationships

    • Adults who have chronic health conditions such as chronic fatigue, long covid, thyroid conditions, vestibular disorders, POTS, fibromyalgia and other conditions which can be difficult to treat and which can be invalidated by other people, thus affecting the person’s core relationships with self and other.

    • Perinatal mental health challenges including antenatal and postnatal depression and anxiety and the adjustment to parenthood in parents of all genders, as this can be an exceptionally challenging time when society tells us that we are expected to be our ‘happiest’.

    • Women and girls or people living with ADHD and navigating challenges with life, mood and relationships

    • Coping with and/or parenting children after an abusive relationship, coping after intimate partner violence or emotional abuse

    • Coping with the aftermath of a traumatic separation / divorce and finding a strong sense of self again

    • This is not an exhaustive list; if you think we might be a good fit, please do not hesitate to get in touch at - if I think I am not quite the right therapist for you, I will help you find the right one.

    Therapy usually involves a minimum of 12 sessions which can be either weekly or fortnightly, whichever you prefer.

    £110 per session

  • Parent Coaching

    Parent Coaching sessions are for parents who are finding their children challenging in some way (which we all will at one point or another on our parenting journeys). Seeking help as a parent can bring up feelings of inadequacy and shame but it shouldn’t have to. We are often quite clear minded when it comes to other people’s families, but it can be hard to see the wood for the trees with our own, especially when we are bombarded with parenting advice from all angles.

    Parent coaching can help you learn how to shift your approach to your child to create a more peaceful household and a closer relationship. When it works well you should end up with less guilt, more laughter, more self-control and more of those “you know what, I actually handled that pretty well” parenting moments.

    I have extensive experience and training working with parents of teenagers, especially where teenagers are exhibiting challenging behaviour including school refusal or school avoidance and where the relationship between parent and child is at risk of breaking down. If you are struggling with parenting a teenager, you may be getting into repeated arguments, or you may feel as though your rules go in one ear and go out the other. If so, I can help.

    For parents of younger children, you may be struggling with children who have strong temperaments which seem to go from ‘0 to 60’ very quickly, with children who push your buttons and push your boundaries too, with tantrums, sibling rivalry or with challenges getting on the same page with your co-parent (if you have one).

    Either way, I have likely seen it all before, this is the work I am passionate about and I would love the opportunity to support you.

    £120 per session

  • Parent-child relationship sessions (with young people or adult children) and family therapy

    Parent-child relationship sessions can feel scary, but they shouldn’t have to be. They can help you have those meaningful conversations that keep being derailed by heated escalations, they can facilitate change and repair on both sides and, ultimately, they aim to bring you closer to the relationship you are hoping for in the future.

    I believe in starting with thinking about your strengths and I try to bring some warmth and playfulness into the space where possible, so that you and your child do not feel weighed down by your problems. These spaces are an opportunity to hear each other’s perspectives in a new way, with a third person present who can act as an ‘emotional translator’ to help you build bridges, make sense of misunderstandings, and find ways to connect.

    I will not be blaming towards either of you, instead I will see the best in you both but will also try to point out areas where you might have had blind spots (but with kindness).

    I also facilitate parent-child sessions for parents and adult children. These can be incredibly sensitive spaces that need to be facilitated delicately, with someone who understands how much pain and love can exist between you, and how much courage it has taken for you both to agree to give this a try.

    Parent-child relationship sessions cost £120 per session for an hour or £130 for 1.5 hours.

  • Couples therapy, parenting sessions or co-parenting sessions

    This can be a space to think about yourself as a partnership either in parenting, in life or both. Couples therapy is rarely comfortable or easy, but when it works well it has the potential to reduce hostility and increase healthy communication within a couple dynamic.

    You do not have to be currently together to make use of these sessions - in fact, I think it is a sign of strength when separating or separated couples reach out for support to help them navigate separation constructively.

    Couples and co-parenting therapeutic spaces can come with a real stigma, and I think this should change. It should be seen as a sign of courage to reach out, not a sign of a ‘bad’ or ‘doomed’ relationship.

    It is so hard for two people with very different experiences of the world, and different early histories, to get on the same page and communicate well when it comes to parenting. Coming to a psychologist can help you move away from blame and remember what connects you: that you both love and want to protect your child or children more than anything, and you both want them to have a good life - you just might have different ideas about how to get there.

    Couples and co-parenting sessions cost £120/£130 per session depending on length.

  • Clinical Supervision

    I offer clinical supervision for other mental health professionals, with an emphasis on the following areas:

    • Parental mental health

    • Parent child relationships

    • Supporting parents of neurodivergent children, children with additional needs or children who present with behaviour that challenges

    • Health psychology (CFT, ACT, IFS informed) specifically with people with vestibular and balance disorders or other invisible chronic illnesses

    I work interactively rather than drawing from any models in a pure way and the main models I use include:

    • ACT

    • CFT

    • Motivational Interviewing and Solution Focused

    • Narrative and Systemic

    • Parent work: Mentalization Based (Reflective Parenting), Non-Violent Resistance (NVR), PACE, attachment informed among others.

    • I am currently training in IFS, but am not yet certified

    As a psychologist, my values are aligned with social constructionist thinking. I believe in advocacy as a part of our role, and I aim to centre issues of social advantage and disadvantage, contextual factors and the Social GRACES regardless of the model being used.

    As a supervisor, I am to create a warm, validating and reflective space in which you are encouraged to bring your ‘whole self’ to supervision. You are welcome to share any aspects of the work that stir things up for you, and we can always allow time to think about this in a way that feels safe. I try to strike a balance between facilitating space for collaborative reflection and drawing on your expertise to build your confidence on the one hand, and offering direct ideas based on my experience if this is what would be helpful on the other.

    I welcome psychologists from minority backgrounds or with their own lived experience of mental health difficulties, physical health conditions or neurodivergence as well as newly qualified psychologists and those who may struggle with imposter syndrome for whatever reason.

    If you are interested in having a no strings attached 15 minute chat, feel free to email me at

    Cost: £100

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