Frequently Asked Questions


  • Yes, I am currently covered to see clients who are insured with AXA, Vitality, Aviva and WPA. I am in the process of applying to be registered as a provider with Bupa but this may not come through for several months unfortunately.

  • I work predominantly online however I do have rooms that I rent in Clapham Junction (SW11) which I use for assessments and shorter pieces of work. If you are interested in face to face therapy sessions in London, please email to inquire.

  • Please see the therapeutic services section for more details, but for a summary:

    1:1 therapy sessions - £110 per session

    Parent-child therapy sessions - £120/130 depending on the length of the session

    Couples, family or co-parenting therapy sessions - £120/£130 as above

    Parent coaching - £120 per session

  • I am based in London (UK), however, my insurance covers me to work with some countries internationally but not all. Please let me know if you are interested, and we can discuss this further.

  • Definitely not. This is your space and you are welcome to bring anything that feels important to you. The difference between this and ‘regular’ therapy is that I will be holding your parenting role in mind as an important contextual factor for you. If you bring dilemmas related to parenting, I can help you untangle your thoughts and find a way forward - read about my parent coaching for more information.

  • Yes, however I currently only work with adolescents who are assessed as being at a very low risk of harm to themselves or others. This is because I work on my own, and adolescents who have moderate to higher risk need to be held by practitioners who have a multidisciplinary team around them.

  • One great thing about private therapy sessions is that we are not held back by rigid constraints that you might find in public services.

    Instead, therapy length will vary and this is something that we can discuss and agree on collaboratively. For some, a few sessions will be enough. Others who may have complex situations, for example, may benefit from one to two years in therapy, after which I would recommend a break and review. Please get in touch to find out more.

  • My name is Dr Hannah Ryan and I have a doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology (pass- pass/fail only), a master’s degree in Clinical Developmental Psychology (high distinction) and an undergraduate degree in Psychology (first class honours). I adhere to standards set out by the Health Care and Professions Council and the British Psychological Society Code of Ethics.

    In my doctorate degree, I specialised in perinatal mental health. I am also a part-time permanent lecturer and module lead on a master’s course where I teach students how to work clinically with children, parents and families.

    It is important that you trust the person you are working with. If you would like to discuss my qualifications and experience further when we meet, I would be very happy to do so or you can read more about me here.

  • No. I work on a fortnightly basis with many people and I recommend stepping down to fortnightly from weekly sessions eventually. This is because the break can give you time to process, reflect and embed learning. It also saves you money which can make therapy more sustainable for some people.

  • Not quite. What they have in common is that both provide you with a safe space in which you can untangle thoughts and process difficult feelings without judgment.

    However, with psychology sessions, both the therapist and the client are expected to be a bit more active. I will be sharing ideas for new ways of interacting with both yourself and other people, and the expectation is that you will be willing to try out some of the ideas that resonate with you between sessions.

    If you are not looking to make changes and simply want a place to vent and be heard, this may not be right fit for you.

    People tend to get the best out of psychology sessions when they come with a sense of open-mindedness and a willingness to commit to the effort it takes to make lasting shifts in their lives. The only person you have control over is you. By shifting how you relate to yourself and others, this will have a ripple effect on those around you. Learn more about my therapeutic services.

  • It can be so hard to find a psychologist who is “the right fit” for you, and it can feel awkward to “break up” with a psychologist if you have already started sessions with them. For this and other reasons, I offer brief, free-of-charge, one-off telephone consultations to any serious prospective clients. This gives us both a chance to check out if we are the right fit for each other. If we decide that we are not for whatever reason, I can help to point you in the direction of someone else who might be better suited if you wish.

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